Tutorial & FREE Pattern: My Cheeky Revolution!

A couple years ago I discovered that I could make my own panties! I got a free pattern from online, and man, I was super excited. I carried them around in my purse to show everyone.

I mean I know how to make the craziest of things, why had I never thought to make my own underoos! It takes like 15 minutes, so everyone can do it! So now,  I created my own pattern to share with the world for FREEEEEEE! Why shouldn’t everyone be allowed  to make their own panties? 

NO excuses! Here is my free panty pattern. 

Click on the link to download the pdf pattern!


These were intended to be a more cheeky bikini pattern, but the back is a little more full coverage. I am updating the back side to be a little  more cheeky and will update that when I have a chance.

For now, Here is the tutorial for the first run!

  1.  Print out your pdf pattern. I suggest stacking them up and cutting the right side and the bottom off with your rotary cutter.  Tape them together as shown below. IMG-3401
  2.  Cut out which size you  need. I didn’t include a size chart. These are based off of a favorite Victoria Secret Pattern that I deconstructed. So  I wear Large in VS, so that’s what I cut out.
  3. Pin down your pattern pieces to fabric. You want to make sure you line your pattern pieces up with the grainline going in the direction of the most stretch. I used about a 1/4 a yard of some left over Cotton + Steel knit fabric (I’m such a fan of Cotton + Steel knits! If you haven’t tried them yet, please do. My only complaint is they are printed so the insides are white, depending on what you make, the white can be annoying).IMG-3402
  4. Once you have your pieces cut out,  We are going to take the back piece and two crotch inserts. Match at the center. One insert should be right sides together, the other, wrong sides together. You are creating a sandwich with  the inserts being the bread and the back piece being the meat!

5. I serged the whole pair of panties, but if you don’t have a serger, then you can zigzag with a wider zig zag.  Once you have sewn the inserts to the back piece, you want to fold them down like so:



6. Now for the tricky part!  We are gonna add the front piece to the inserts. You want to pin the front piece to the front of the right side of the fabric. We are then going to burrito it by wrapping the other insert around the other pieces so that we have all 3 layers together again.  Then Serge!


7.  Now you can pull it all out and it will look like this:


8. We are almost done (see I told you these were so quick to make)!  I decided to serge my leg openings, but since these are knit, they won’t ravel, so you can save even more time and skip this.  After you serge we want to match right sides together at seams and serge!


9.  Now comes the waist. There isn’t a waist band included in the pattern.  There are a couple different options. 1st- add your own stretchy lace waist band! This is what I did with my first pair.  If you don’t have any on hand, we are gonna create our own using the left over knit. You will want to use a tape measure and measure the circumference of  your panty opening (I chose to do a 1.5 inch wide band to attach). Once you have the circumference (A), you will need to  cut out a strip measuring  A x 1.5 inches. You can totally make this wider if you like.  Then serge the 2 ends together making  it a circle.

10. Fold the circle in half length wise, with wrong sides together and iron. This helps to keep it in its place.  Now attach it to the panty bottoms with the fold facing down. Serge or sew all the way around connecting the waist band to the bottoms.


11. Last step guys! You are almost done! Woohoo. We just need to finish the leg holes!  I chose to use a double needle for the leg holes. If you don’t have one on hand,  you can always use your handy dandy zig zag again. But be sure to use a stretch stitch. I folded the edges of the leg holes in by 1/4 inch then stitched all around! Wa– LAH! Here are my finished Cheeky Revolution Panties! Hope you enjoy!


6 thoughts on “Tutorial & FREE Pattern: My Cheeky Revolution!

  1. Make sure to measure yourself before making these. I sewed them all together only to realize that my medium is too big for the pattern’s medium

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